OSUSTECH Students Expresses Joy On The Ongoing Recruitment of Academic And Non Academic Staffs

The students of Ondo State University of Science and Technology (OSUSTECH) expresses much joy on the currently ongoing recruitment for academic staff.
Speaking with a with a 300 level student of OSUSTECH, he said the students have always  been given so much stress, as to the unavailability of enough academic and non academic staffs and so also the lecturers had been given a work load which expected to done by more than three lecturer. 

Another 500 level student of OSUSTECH also made mention of the lecturers taking up seven course in a week, who might also serve  as an adjourn lecturer in another institution. He also made mention of the department of physical sciences as to have the least number of staffs compared to the that of other departments which are still in need of more staffs.
Seque to the addition of 4 more faculties (Faculty of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Faculty of Food Science andTechnology, Faculty of Earth Sciences and the Faculty of Agriculture, Forest and Aquatic Resources engineering) to the the first faculty (faculty of science) in the institution for the 2017/2018 academic session, there the need for more work force to ensure proper delivery as a school of science and technology.

Applications are invited into 2018 Ondo State University of Science and Technology (OSUSTECH) Recruitment for Academic Staff in the following vacancies:

  1. Professor (Botany)
  2. Deputy Registrar
  3. Professor (Fisheries and Acquaculture)
  4. Professor (Microbiology)
  5. Professor (Zoology)
  6. Professor (Biochemistry)
  7. Professor (Electrical Electronics)
  8. Professor (Mechanical Engineering)
  9. Professor (Civil Engineering)
  10. Professor (Forestry, Wildlife and Environmental Management)
  11. Professor (Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology)
  12. Professor (Food Science Technology)
  13. Professor (Agricultural Economics and Extension)
  14. Professor (Crop Science and Pest Management)
  15. Professor (Animal Production and Health)
  16. Professor (Industrial Chemistry)
  17. Reader (Electrical Electronics)
  18. Professor (Physics)
  19. Professor (Geophysics)
  20. Professor (English)
  21. Professor (Philosophy)
  22. Professor (Computer Science)
  23. Professor (Mathematics)
  24. Professor (Business and Entrepreneurial Studies)
  25. Professor (Statistics)
  26. Lecturer I (Electrical Electronics)
  27. Senior Lecturer (Business and Entrepreneurial Studies)
  28. Senior Lecturer (Civil Engineering)
  29. Senior Lecturer (Philosophy)
  30. Senior Lecturer (Mechanical Engineering)
  31. Senior Lecturer (Electrical Electronics)
  32. Senior Lecturer (English)
  33. Senior Lecturer (Forestry, Wildlife and Environmental Management)
  34. Senior Lecturer (Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology)
  35. Senior Lecturer (Zoology)
  36. Lecturer I (Mechanical Engineering)
  37. Senior Lecturer (Microbiology)
  38. Lecturer I (Civil Engineering)
  39. Lecturer I (Business and Entrepreneurial Studies)
  40. Senior Lecturer (Fisheries and Acquaculture)
  41. Lecturer I (Forestry, Wildlife and Environmental Management)
  42. Lecturer I (Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology)
  43. Senior Lecturer (Botany)
  44. Lecturer I (Food Science Technology)
  45. Lecturer I (Agricultural Economics and Extension)
  46. Senior Lecturer (Biochemistry)
  47. Lecturer I (Crop Science and Pest Management)
  48. Senior Lecturer (Industrial Chemistry)
  49. Lecturer I (Animal Production and Health)
  50. Senior Lecturer (Physics)
  51. Senior Lecturer (Geophysics)
  52. Lecturer II (Forestry, Wildlife and Environmental Management)
  53. Lecturer II (Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology)
  54. Senior Lecturer (Computer Science)
  55. Lecturer II (Food Science Technology)
  56. Senior Lecturer (Mathematics)
  57. Lecturer II (Agricultural Economics and Extension)
  58. Lecturer II (Crop Science and Pest Management)
  59. Senior Lecturer (Statistics)
  60. Lecturer II (Animal Production and Health)
  61. Lecturer II (Electrical Electronics)
  62. Lecturer II (Mechanical Engineering)
  63. Lecturer II (Civil Engineering)
  64. Lecturer I (Statistics)
  65. Lecturer I (Mathematics)
  66. Assistant Lecturer (Electrical Electronics)
  67. Lecturer I (Computer Science)
  68. Assistant Lecturer (Mechanical Engineering)
  69. Assistant Lecturer (Civil Engineering)
  70. Lecturer I (Physics)
  71. Assistant Lecturer (Forestry, Wildlife and Environmental Management)
  72. Assistant Lecturer (Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology)
  73. Lecturer I (Geophysics)
  74. Assistant Lecturer (Food Science Technology)
  75. Reader (Mechanical Engineering)
  76. Reader (Civil Engineering)
  77. Reader (Forestry, Wildlife and Environmental Management)
  78. Reader (Business and Entrepreneurial Studies)
  79. Reader (Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology)
  80. Reader (Food Science Technology)
  81. Reader (Agricultural Economics and Extension)
  82. Reader (Crop Science and Pest Management)
  83. Reader (Animal Production and Health)
  84. Reader (Statistics)
  85. Reader (Mathematics)
  86. Reader (Philosophy)
  87. Reader (Computer Science)
  88. Reader (English)
  89. Reader (Physics)
  90. Senior Lecturer (Animal Production and Health)
  91. Reader (Geophysics)
  92. Reader (Biochemistry)
  93. Senior Lecturer (Crop Science and Pest Management)
  94. Reader (Industrial Chemistry)
  95. Reader (Botany)
  96. Senior Lecturer (Agricultural Economics and Extension)
  97. Reader (Fisheries and Acquaculture)
  98. Senior Lecturer (Food Science Technology)
  99. Reader (Microbiology)
  100. Reader (Zoology)

Applications requirements for 2018 Ondo State University of Science and Technology(OSUSTECH) Recruitment for Academic Staff.

  1.  Candidate must possess a minimum of Bachelor Degree and Master’s Degree
  2. Candidates to possess a minimum of Ph.D in the relevant fields is for Professors and Senior Lecturers
  3. Candidates must possess NYSC discharge Certificate or Exemption letter
  4. For professors and Senior Lecturers they must have at least 3 years of teaching and research experience in the University system as well as some scholarly publications in recognized journals.

All together making a total of 100 vacancies to filled for the next academic session

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